
your kid is spoiled

february 20, 2011

getting ready to enjoy a very "out of character" low key weekend, we ordered a pizza on friday night.  talyn had just finished a play date at our house and so there were toys laid around. when the delivery guy walked in, he looked at our front play room and said " many kids do you have?".  i answered "only one" and then he said "look at all the toys, your kid is spoiled".

first instinct.....slam the door in his face.  what did i do?  smile politely and explain that he's the only grandchild on my side, so he is lucky to get lots of toys.  protective mommy instincts then wanted to go into the "and he lost his dad a year ago and i've had cancer, so he's kind of had a hard life for a 5 year old".  but i didn't.  kept smiling politely.

after he left, it was really sticking with me.  spoiled?  but then i looked at the play room and saw the mess that it really was in.  there were toys everywhere and lots of them.

so today we spent the day going through all of his stuff.  piles for broken stuff, not used stuff and stuff he's grown out of.  my right arm is getting really strong!

i've also had some semi-stressful planning stuff going on and my usual - run it all out, doesn't work with a broken wrist.  so this was actually quite therapeutic.

tonight i feel proud looking at the still large amount of toys, organized nicely.  and like i got some "stuff" out doing it.

and i also feel like this is the start of a major upheaval of my house.  time to really go through stuff and purge.  what good re-creation plan can really happen when you feel like you're drowning in stuff everywhere?

step one has to be "purge and organize" least for me.

but i think talyn is probably still a little bit spoiled.

happy long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Tasha, we too, have a "spoiled" little girl at our house with way too many toys. And I, like you have also decided that 2011 is the year to purge some of the excess stuff from our house. It feels great to go thru a drawer, closet, bin of toys and get rid of the's almost therapeutic really!
