
mad at the world

february 27, 2011

i spent a lot of the past week mad at the world.  why do bad things happen to good people?  shouldn't people that are good to others get some kind of pass and fate be nice to them?  that is my crazy theory and sadly it keeps getting proven wrong.

i found out last weekend that a family that was tremendously helpful to my family through our struggle was hit again with one of their own.  they are really good people and have already been through so much, so i was shocked and really mad that this could happen.  they are of course making the best of it, but i couldn't accept it.

you know when you're nicely making a big tower of teetering blocks?  well i felt like i was doing that and with this news they all came smashing to the ground.  the stuff that talyn and i have gone through, then more recently my bf's family and now this.  how can life be so cruel?

if you sit back and really look at everything going on, it feels like there is so much bad.  is it that i'm getting older, that i'm finally paying attention or is there just more bad?  if there is some mastermind behind this world and what goes on, are they trying to make us stop and take notice?  notice of how disconnected people have become, how people are more lonely, how we all go home to our houses every night and lock our doors for the night?

maybe they are making a bold statement to try and pull us all together.  the one thing i have learned is through the bad, through the tragedies that happen, people come together.  that is the good in it all.  so try and keep your focus on that.

love to you all,

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