
three little words...or something like that

january 8, 2011

i thought a good place to start would be to figure out what i really want out of this life.  is it still the same things that i wanted when i was 20 or 30?  is it still the same as when i was married or before i came a mom?

i came across an article by martha beck.  yeah, her name sounded familiar to me too, but i couldn't place her.  she's written a bunch of books and is on oprah quite frequently.   stick with me because i think her formula really works.

first - pick a goal.  be honest about what it is.  if you want to win a beauty pageant, say it.  pick the biggest, most ambitious one.

second - imagine what your life would be like if you achieved that goal.  actually picture yourself in that world.

third - list adjectives that describe how you feel in that world.  stay there a while and let yourself really think about them until you have at least three.  don't stop until then.

four - now rethink through your goal and see if you feel those adjectives from achieving it.  you might now think your goal doesn't actually give you those three adjectives.

so she says "starting now, survey your life for anything that can be described with any of those three words".  i am going to start doing that to see what things my three words are related to.

alright so it sounds really simplistic and kind of out there, but it is a simple way to start.  it gave me a starting point.  what are my three adjectives?

peacefully blissful
passionate about life

yes people i know that's technically more than three words, but close enough.

what are yours?
talk soon,

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